Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I like Movies. I like watching them, watching trailers, reading about them, and mostly just enjoying them. However, I also like reading, I like novels, manga, comics, and short stories. Why is it that everything that is written must some how end up as a Movie?

I just read on Wired that they releasing Tin-tin, in movie format (in 3D of course). I'm not actually sure when I first learned about Tin-Tin, its a Comic Strip by a Belgian Artist. Its got my sense of humor (dry and sarcastic), has interesting characters and has a long history. So the fact that they are making it into a movie makes me a little sad and a little excited. Sure somethings are amazing on film. Yet most of my favorite films were not books beforehand. Star Wars, might have a lot of novels attached to the franchise but all of them were written after to movies came out, or are not related directly to the movies.

TinTin should be interesting free of its short comic strip beginnings. But I'm worried that we have somehow lost the ability to create new movies that are free of the constraints of a book. Well good movies. There are some things that do not translate well into film, and somethings that just don't have the same impact in written word. There are very few film writers/directors able to create something new and interesting, like J.J. Abrams.

There are three books that I am sure will never be made into a movies. C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy. There are several reasons for this. First until there was probably not the ability to do it in any live action way. Second there is no way that they could do the second book without really messing up the story or without getting a XXX rating (something about the characters being naked for most of the story because their are in a new Eden). And Thirdly because it is so strongly Christian.

Of course I should finish up this rant by stating that even though I am completely annoyed and elated by the number of super hero movies coming out this summer, I'm still going to see most of them. I may not see them in the movie theater, but Netflix makes sure I watch all the ones I missed. If only I had the ability to finish the stories I've started, maybe one of my novels will end up as a movie...Then I could make sure they did it right.

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