Friday, July 15, 2011

Vacation Part 2: The Trebuchet

I wish that I had photos on me of the Trebuchet that I built with my brother and Dad. There are photos of the end project some where at my parent's house on a digital camera. So I'm sure that at some point I will be able to share them with you all.

There are three things you should all know if you ever decide to build your own Trebuchet.

1) free plans on the web are great, but my require a lot of guess work and may not give you all the measurements you need.
2) Good wood that is not warped is a plus. Making things Square with warped wood is almost impossible.
3) projects like this always take longer then you expect them too.

I was really glad that I gave myself a project for Vacation. If I had not had work to do, I might have watched a lot more TV and done absolutely nothing productive. That is never a good thing. I need to be busy. I need to have something to do. If I don't my brain turns mushy. I'm also really glad that my Dad could help me out with the project. Its always good to have someone to bounce ideas off of. Also its easier to nail/screw things in when someone else is holding the boards for you.

My Dad taught me a lot about power tools and building things while I was growing up. So doing projects with my Dad is really fun. Of course my brother was more interested in the final project then the actual building. Funny how I like building things and my brother would probably be the best at explaining and selling the Trebuchet to someone else. I think his favorite part of using it once it was done.

Oh and then there was watching the Dog waiting for the tennis balls to come shooting out so he could run after them. All in all a good Vacation project that too a long time to complete and a lot trying to not cut off fingers while using my Dad's table saw (I still have all 10).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, correctly.