Monday, August 1, 2011

Slightly Manic

Sometimes I go through a slightly Manic periods in which I get a lot of work done and sleep very little. This past weekend was one of those periods. I spend over 8 hours on Saturday writing an outline and character details for a new story that I am starting. I've been wrestling with this story idea for the last couple of weeks and I decided that I was not going to just start writing, that I really needed a plan first. I'm not done, I've got a little more work to do. But the cool part is how much I was able to write. I so often just start writing and don't think fully about where the story is going or even what I want to story to do. So I'm trying something new.

There are two hopes in making myself be more organized. First that I will actually be able to finish the project that I am starting. And second that will finish the project that I'm starting. No these are not the same hope. The first is based in the fact that I so often get stuck while writing, unable to move forward with out a lot or re-writing. The second hope is based not in my ability to finish, but my drive too. I so often start something, and very seldom finish something. Or I'll get to a certain point and then get detracted.

I've been trying and failing to start and finish projects. I'm hoping that I can actually finish this story (which will probably be a very long Novel). I want to be able to finish the project and I want it too be good. But I first need to finish the story. Then I can worry about making it good. One step at a time.

First step is to get some sleep and finish my outline. Second step is to write the first chapter... and not to stop till the story is done... Any step after that is in the future and to be thought of in the future.

The problem is that I would love to be able to have a Slightly Manic Saturday for foreseeable future just so I can get this project done. Of course the problem with being slightly Manic is that I also have to deal with coming down from that... and being slightly depressed is stupid.

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