Monday, October 3, 2011

Why do I love the Fall?

(Fall is my favorite season.My Birthday happens, there is a ton of good food. The weather starts getting cold. And I start writing poetry in my head about death and life. Maybe its because its easier to see life, when death is so close by.) 

Dark grey clouds hang over me
harsh against the pale blue sky
the mornings chill gets to my bones
through my coat, sweater, and T-shirt
Black birds huddle together
causing the telephone line to droop
even further than normal
The cars splash through last nights rain
And I'm smiling while I shiver
Why do I love the Fall?

Summers fingers are losing hold
The leaves are falling
And I'm wearing red in their honor
The sky is moody, flinting from light to dark
the geese are flying
in little V's high above
the creak of their wings
mixing with the trafic
And I'm smiling at the clouds
Why do I love the Fall?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl, Good poem. I'm very glad the Lord blessed our family with you in the fall. Love ya, Aunt Sue :)