(The below poem is from reading too many Medieval plays, like Everyman
. It is in a way meant to be played out, with different characters. I might expand this into more of a play at some point, but I kind of like it in poem format.)
Gather 'round, Gather 'round
listen in and listen well
For we're about to share
a well earned trip to hell
were it not for strange grace
So gather 'round listen well
So gather 'round
listen and watch
As our well loved Everyone
transverses this terrestrial ball
and talks to his vices and virtues all
Everyone pay close attention
For Everyone is judged
judged as only Truth can judge
Come Truth tell us what you see
Gather 'round and tell us
how should we judge?
Truth Answers
"Oh how can I judge
all though the truth I am
my verdict is death
death and separation
for that is the justice
Everyone deserves
"Yet I tell you all
death deserved
does not mean
to death condemned
for all make a choice
and that choice
their bondage
or death surmised"
Oh Truth how real
how justice and right
for in deeds only one
only one is important
but what choice?
Oh what choice
will our dear Everyone make?
Come thou vices dreaded
Come thou virtues embolden
For Everyone must choose
what would you have him do?
The Vices Answer Together
"Oh why must he choose?
Would it not be better
to not have to decide?"
Pride adds
"And why must we
why must we decide?
Who made Truth
the only, the only Truth?"
The other Vices join in
"Yes! Pride, how right
what makes Truth
the only Truth."
The Virtues Answer Together
"But even not choosing
is a choice in its self
Everything is a choice"
Meek Adds
"And is it not God
who created Truth
who created Everyone
Is it not God
who gives us Truth
And names it Truth"
The other Virtues Join in
"Yes! Meek, how right
God, the holy one,
makes Truth, true"
Everyone answers,
"Then a Choice to make
but what choice is there?
How can I choose
anything other then what I am?
Is not all meant to die?"
The Virtues cry
"No! no and yes
For all must die
but some can
some can gain
For through death
comes more life."
Love Adds
"death is not an end"
Joy Sings
"Death has no power"
The Virtues join in
"Death has no sting
When the choice is made
from death comes life"
The Vices cry
"No! how is that possible?
Once you are dead,
You are dead!"
Hate adds
"Death is to be hated"
Bitter whispers
"Death is to be avoided"
The Vices join in
"Death is coming
Why not run the other way?
Who wants to die?"
Truth Answers
"Fools, all die.
None, none live
all must die
does not the grass die
to feed the lamb?
Does not the lamb die
to feed Everyone?
Fools, all die
But life is given
to those willing to die
to those who choose."
The Virtues Sing
Everyone wonders
"Could this be true?
Through death comes life?
How can one know?
How can one be sure?"
Truth answers
"Everyone, you know
you know the answer
the questions you ask
come from your knowledge
Did not you sit at the knee of your mother?
Did not you read the words of the Book?
Everyone the answer is belief
Belief in that which
you know, but don't understand."
The Vices laugh
Belief?! Ha,
what is faith?
How can belief save?
How can you be sure?
Is it not better to enjoy
enjoy this life?
Live to the fullest!
Do what what you want!
Faith is a cage,
Belief a prison
Have fun, let go
Why waste time on Faith?
The Virtues answer
Sin is the prison
self is the cage
only belief and faith
in the true one saves
Life in its fullest
is a life of belief
Joy comes only from
one place.
Trying to live apart
only leads to disgrace...
Death Calls out
Come what is the choice?
death is not patient
Death is not kind
I come for a soul
For all shall be mine
Virtues and Vices
silence your tongues
Truth hold back your verdict
Till the time comes.
Everyone! speak
what do you choose?
Everyone Answers
I know which answer
is first in my heart
for sin has hold
even as I try to depart
but my first love
has called my name
and although I should fear
no fear have I
For Death where is thy Sting?
Oh where thy bite?
I call on the one
whom you could not keep
Who took your keys
and opened the gate
Truth be my witness
show my debt filled
No deed of mine did it
for Love came calling
and I answered.
Death speaks
Good Everyone
then as a friends
we shall go
for with no fear
you have answered
and the power
you call on is greater
Virtues sing
To heaven we go singing
For Everyone has answered!
The choice is made
the prison is empty
come, come!
sing and dance with thanksgiving
Friends we go onwards
The Vices lament
Come back,
oh why would you go?
Your pain should keep you
Your sin our own
Come share our prison
come share our hurt
Come back!
oh why would you go?
Gather 'round, Gather 'round
listen in and listen well
For we're about to share
a well earned trip to hell
were it not for strange grace
So gather 'round listen well