Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Very Own Darth

Warning: For those of you who arn't big Star War's fans you might want to skip this post.

I have been a Star War's fan since I was a little kid. It was one of those movies that got you and set your imagination on fire. Even now, although I bemoan the alterations, I still enjoy the movies. I love the characters and in some ways feel like they are old friends. But the best part of the movies are the villians. Complicated, Dark, and scary looking. I still remember how scared I was when Luke went down in the cave after Yoda told him not too. (I watch it now and wish I could get scared). Darth Vader had a sound, a physical presense and no problem killing someone. I loved him.

Skip forward to this week. One of my co-workers is now working from home and I got his Darth Vader. Its a figerine, about 9 inches tall. His cap is stuck billowing out behind him. His light saber is lit. And his hand is in front of him as if he's force choking someone. Right now he is standing on top of my tower on my desk. He looks out on the world spreading fear and hatred. He's amazing.

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