Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blue Painted Devils

Woad we mix with ash, ash from our dead, ash to remind us how they died
Blue its color, deeper then the day's clear sky, brighter then twilight's
Lines across our faces and bodies, marks of our resolve, our revenge
We are off to battle a steel bodied army, men who stole our souls
Like the wolves which round these delves and glens roam
Wolves that howl in darkness of night and hunt by scent of blood
We howl in pain for our dead and crave the blood of those who murdered them
Like wraths we run o'er this stone ground driven by souls themselves
Like the wolves we smell their blood, and it quickens our feet
Upon them we will bring a destruction, upon them we will bring death
We send them back to the gods that sent them.
And they will call us the Blue Painted Devils, and fear us, fear us
Woad we mix with ash, ash from our dead, ash to remind us how they died
Soon they're murders will remember too, will feel our pain as their own.

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