So Yesterday was singles awareness day. Which for me is just another day, but with very annoying reminders that I don't have a boyfriend to send me two dozen red roses. I even wore black yesterday, which I found to be slightly amazing and really hilarious (To be honest I did not plan to wear black, I put on my clothing and after stepping off my front porch realized that it was the 14th and thus V-Day and I was wearing black jeans, a orange t-shirt, and a black sweater...priceless.
The best part of the day, besides the free lunch (it would have won first place if there had not been a meeting involved), was the ride home. The wonderful people at SEPTA tend to do funny things with the Subway cars on Holidays. Yesterday they had large conversation heart decorating some of the cars. The first one I saw was bright pink and stated "I wish you saw you like I see you, Beautiful" Thank you SEPTA for making the whole day feel better. Of course the second one I saw said 'Call me!" which I have no intention on doing (who calls a train car anyways?). But I was reminded that there is more to V-Day then gooey romances and over the top love. In reality it is a day meant to celebrate love. Whether it is the love we have for our family or friends or whom ever!
So with this in mind I ended last night having a date with myself (something I do very well). I made leftovers for dinner and watched a couple of really good Doctor Who episodes (I'm in season 4). All in all it was actually a very quiet, simple day. I survived!
Anyone else have a favorite Conversation heart they got yesterday?
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