Monday, February 28, 2011

Sudan and Other Thoughts for Monday

My thoughts are a little all over the place today. I apologies if I seem random or am hard to follow. I'll try to be as organized as possible... but who knows.

First of all I have to tell you all about my Sunday. I woke up at 7ish, took a shower pulled on some comfortable but nice looking cloths, blow dyed my hair and even did some makeup. I ate breakfast and drank a cup of very strong earl grey tea. Then just before 8:30 I pulled on my coat, tied my scarf around my neck, put my hat on, put my helmet over my hat, swung my messenger bag around my shoulder and after make sure I had my keys, when outside. Next I unlocked my bike, which has been resting on our front porch all winter (and it is rather dirty because of that, although not as rusty as I thought it would be). Bike Unlocked I picked it half up and trudged down the steps.

The ride to church was a good one. I was perhaps a little out of breath, but it is a 25 minute ride to Church so being out of breath at the end was not all bad. In fact it took me less time then I thought it would. I locked up my bike and wondered into the church and sat down to wait a moment. 10 minutes later myself and a couple of others headed into one of the classrooms and sat down to have a prayer meeting for missions.

At this point I need to take my first random tangent. At the meeting we talked about a up coming mission trip that Liberti is doing to South Sudan this summer. Its a little crazy, since South Sudan is become independent in July and the trip would be in August. Crazier still I really want to go. Not sure what I have to offer on a trip were they want to train doctors and teachers...Theatre anyone? Also such a trip would cost a whole lot of money... over $1000 round trip just for airfare. Also who knows it I could get off for two weeks.

So any ways I'll have to leave that for now. After the prayer meeting I went into the gym for church. I found a seat, got a cup of tea, and chatted before service began. Half way through the second song my cell phone went off. luckily I had my phone on vibrate. I ignored it, seeing as it was from the director of the show I'm doing at the moment and new it could wait. During the annoucements I listened to the voicemail, nothing important. however, I kept my phone out, so I could check the time. A couple of more songs a prayer later, it was just before 11am, the sermon was just going to start, and I had to leave.

My bike ride to the theatre for rehearsal from the church did not take long. I got there before anyone else. met with a magazine writer, got inside the theatre, waited for everyone else to show up, had rehearsal (which went really well), bullshitted for a few minutes after rehearsal, got on my bike and headed home. I got home around 3ish. The rest of the day was not very eventful, I took a short nap, watched a movie, talked with one of my roomates and went to bed around 10.

Questions I'm thinking through at the moment:

Why am I so crazy?
Should I go to Sudan?
And why in the world am I feeling so random this morning?

Feel free to chime in...

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