There is a group of people here in Philadelphia who are convinced that the end of the world is going to happen on May 21st. I keep passing them on street corners, when ever I'm in Center City. People have quite their jobs and spent their savings, because surely there is no need to worry about anything after the 21st. Even if the end of the world was going to happen I wonder if this is the right reaction. Martin Luther said that "If I knew the world would perish tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree today"
I wonder if we all thought that tomorrow was our last day on earth if we would actually do something different. Is there any reason to plant an Apple Tree if tomorrow is the last day? Is there any reason to go to work, to eat healthy, to not spend all your savings on a crazy vacation. I also feel like you would not suddenly decide to get plastic surgery right before the End of the World, but maybe that's just me.
In reality people who decide they some how figured it all out and can 'know', really piss me off. First of all they give regular (if there is such a thing) Christians a horrible rap. Second Jesus himself said he did not know when it would happen. If God's son does not know. How in the world are we suppose to?
The writer side of me is kind of wanting to write a monologue from the mind set of one of the followers. I'm a little scared of the idea though.
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