Monday, February 27, 2012


So I have a cold. Its basically a head cold plus a really horrid cough. I have a running nose, stuff running up and down my throat, and lungs that want out of my chest. I don't get sick often, but when I do I really get sick. And being sick I don't want to do anything. I want to take medication and lay on my bed feeling sorry for myself.

However, I have found that letting myself be a complete bum only makes things worse. So today, when I would really rather stay curled up in a ball in my bed I got up. I went shopping, cleaned out the fridge, and went for a long run. Of course I am still sick, but I feel better because I accomplished something. Of course my lungs are still trying to get out of my body (they really don't like me most of the time) and I still am sick. But there is something, maybe holistic, about being active when you are sick. Sure you don't want to push it, sometimes you can make it worse.

Of course the one thing that really bothers me about being sick is that I depend on medication to get through it. I can deal with a high level of pain, but when it comes to a head cold, forget it. I take cough medicine, night time stuff that knocks me out for at least four hours, and of course drink a whole lot of tea.  I really hate taking medication. But I have a certain weakness when it comes to coughs and head colds. Part of thing might stem from the fact that I have had pneumonia several times. But I think that mostly I just really had having a cough. I want to knock it out of my body as quickly as possible.

Of course tomorrow I might be a bum because I just ran too hard. And I'm going to be sick and sore and tired. Oh well I guess thats what I get for trying to be active while I'm sick...

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