Saturday, February 11, 2012

Knitting Patterns

I've been working on this hat for the last couple of weeks. The pattern is complicated, the instructions a little lacking in descriptions. And to top it all off I realized today that the pattern is actually wrong in a couple of places, editing error I'm sure. As frustrating as it is to knit and then pull out row after row, it also seems to be a perfect picture of my life.

I like the idea of getting things done. I start projects with the gusto of someone who has the drive to finish them. And most of the time I have the discipline to see those projects through. I might loose some of my gusto, but I still finish things. So why is it that every time I start a large writing project that I get completely sidetracked? I have finished several knitting projects. I've organized a garden project. I cook food. I have done some amazing projects at work. But when it comes to my writing, there is some kind of problem when it comes to finishing the story. I have several novels started or floating around in my head. I can't seem to get any of them completely onto paper.

Its kind of like the knitting pattern for this hat. Sure I could read the pattern. I had to look a couple of things up, but I thought I had the general gist. Then I get into the actual knitting and I find problem after problem. So 20 plus rows in I tear it all out and start over. I think I have the problems figured out, I see where I might have made some mistakes. I've had to start projects over again, no big deal. With my writing its almost the same thing. I see in my head the story playing out. The emotions of the characters. The way they react. I might even have a couple of thoughts to how to end the whole thing. And when I start putting it down onto paper it seems like it is going fine. The after getting stuck, or bored, or distracted  (or some combination of all three). The story gets lost and another takes its place. Another story that is just as important, who's characters are just as interesting.

I just wonder what other people do to get over writing block. Tricks of the trade, or maybe something to help me finish the stories I have started, rather then always starting something new. Any ideas?

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