Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Aimlessness and Lent plans

Nemo, the storm not the Pixar animated fish, hit the east coast Friday. Philadelphia barely got an inch. I was expecting at least 3 inches. So I decided that I would concentrate on my knitting this past weekend and stay safely inside on Saturday. Although I did do a lot of knitting, I also did a lot of sleeping, watching Netflix and playing mahjong. The problem I am running into constently, is that I need a plan on the weekends. I need to have a list of things to do, or I will do basically nothing.

Yes sleep is important. Yes knitting is productive. Yes I was very busy at church Sunday morning and I did go shopping for the homeless feeding on Friday. However, I feel like I accomblished little and did less. Saturday was mostly me sleeping in and taking a four hour nap. I didn't do any writting. And I feel like I was completely aimless.

This is a problem. As much as I can make plans and tell myself I have to do more then just watch Netflix after work. All I seem to do is watch netflix after work. So I have decided that I need to do something drastic for lent. During Lent I will not be watching movies or TV, not on Netflixs or on Hulu or on the TV. I won't purchase movies on Itunes. This might seem silly, but I'm rather addicted to media at the moment. I need to write. I need to actually read the books that I keep saying I should read. I need to stop aimlessly wondering around my room with no purpose. What better time to gain purpose then during Lent. So starting Wednesday no more online video and more productivness...

Tonight's plan? Binge watch Doctor Who and finish my knitting project.

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