Thursday, September 30, 2010

Slings and Arrows

Because this was stuck in my head, and I think it is rather brilliant.

Cheer up Hamlet,

Chin up Hamlet,
Buck up you melancholy Dane.
So, your uncle is at hand,
Murdered Dad and married Mum,
That's really no excuse to be as glum as you've become.
So, wise up Hamlet,
Rise up Hamlet,
Buck up and sing the new refrain.
Your incessant monologizing fills the castle with ennui,
Your antique disposition is embarrassing to see,
And by the way you sulky brat, the answer is To Be!
You're driving poor Ophelia insane!
So, shut up, you rogue and peasant!
Grow up, it's most unpleasant!
Cheer up you melancholy Dane.

Working Lunch

Yesterday I worked my lunch. Or I guess I should say that I had a lunch meeting, ate pizza and had some training. So yesterday I got paid for a total of 9hours. Fun. It is a really crazy and kind of cool thing that my company is testing. To offer premium support or not to offer premium support, that is the question... We shall see what happens. The test is suppose to start today and what we like to call crazy customer Thursdays. Again I say fun!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cramming My Brain Full

Saturday I am taking the GRE test, so that I can start the process of applying to several Graduate programs. Most of the programs I'm interested in do not require the GRE, only University of TX at Austin and one of the NYC schools. Over the last couple of months I have been cramming my brain full of math I've almost completely forgotten since high school and words that I do not normally use. All this in the name of getting a good score on this test.

Studying is always interesting for me. I need lots of repetition and practice. In math I need to be able to actually do problems to study, not just read how its suppose to work. I wish I had a math book with a ton of practice sheets. At this point I don't have that. Hopefully I can remember all the formulas. I'm amazed how much of this I have forgotten. So in the interest of cramming my brain full of information before Saturday. I am going to go study and leave this entry very short. Wish me luck...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Crazy Weekend

I think I gave you a little idea of what my weekend was going to look like, but let me tell you how all the craziness went.

It started on Friday. Our CEO's birthday was this past week, so he took us all out to a local bar/resterante. So I had a couple of drinks (for free) and ate really amazing fries. I also got to talk with a couple of my co-workers that I don't know as well, which was nice. Afterward I rode my bike home, right as it was getting dark. I made it home in one piece, happy that the trafic was almost non-exsitant. Once home I did dishes, packed and cleaned some of the apartment. Unfortunatly I did not fall asleep well and was very tired the next morning.

Saturday was a very nice day. Tired as I was I managed to get out of the house in time to make it to the train station. Me, my heavy bag and purse, sat down next to a window and waited for the train to leave 30th street station. Annoyingly I ended up riding backwards (although luckly I do not get motion sensitive on trains) so I could not see what was coming. The cool part about riding backwards was watching the Philly skyline slowly grow farther and farther way. The train ride was nice, I napped and listened to my nano.

I arrived practically a full three hours before the wedding. But it was nice, since I needed to eat lunch. Also luckily the church was only about twelve minutes from the station, so that made life easy. I sat down on the river front and watched the boats and people pass by, while eating my bagel and cream cheese (lunch). Finally I went into the church. It was an instant reunion. Theatre majors and other Messiah people. I had not seen most of them for months, almost a year. And the church was wonderful, lots of dark wood and stain glass. It was an Episcopal Church, and the service was very traditional. My favorite part was that the bridesmaids and groomsmen all read prayers over the couple. And even though it was very ritualistic, it was still beautiful.

After the Ceremony a bunch of us went to Barnes and Nobles to hang out before heading to the reception, since there was a good amount of time. Its nice that we can just pick up were we left off. We talked about jobs, what we are doing, where we are living and everything we had missed over the past year. After a little while of browsing through books and getting coffee/other drinks, we decided to head to the reception. Finding the hall was fun, luckily I was not driving.

The hall was in a club and there was actually another wedding reception going on when we got there. Also nicely most of us were at one table, so we all knew each other and got to talk. There was also a bar, which had free wine and bear (again free alcoholic). We found our tables, which were organized by countries the couples had been too, I was China. Once we had claimed our seats, we went off to get drinks and cheese and crackers. Then we sat and talked while waiting for the wedding party.

It was not the most elaborate wedding I have ever been to, but that does not mean it was a good time. We eat and drank and danced and laughed, a good time was had by all. Finally, tired we slowly said our goodbyes, and made promises to keep better track of each other. Then we separated to different cars.

I was sleeping on a futon of some friends, thankful that I did not have to go to a hotel. We headed back to their apartment, which was very nice. Rather then going to bed right away to talked and they introduced me to a Canadian show 'Slinges and Arrows'. Yes its about Shakespeare, Yes its set in Canadian, and Yes we watched the first two episodes. Now I really want to watch all of the seasons (Netflix). Then we went to bed, very tired. The futon was amazingly comfortable.

Sunday we woke slowly and had breakfast. Then my friends drove me to the train station. Where I bought some snack food at the little store in the station and waited in line for the train. The train was a lot fuller going back to Philly, Sundays are always busy traveling times. The train itself was going all the way to NYC and had come from Pittsburgh. Luckily I was facing forward going back. Once I got into the city I took the El back to my apartment, took a shower, went grocery shopping, made dinner, ate, and then went to bed.

Three things that struck me this weekend:

1) I really miss my friends and wedding make me feel very lonely.
2) I still feel very awkward at social events, I wonder if I will ever be comfortable with them.
3) When I saw the Philly skyline coming back, it made me very happy. Does that mean that I have finally gotten to the point where this place is home?

Any ones have great wedding stories they would like to share, or favorite part of the wedding I'm talking above?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Weddings, Meeting People, and Being Introverted

This weekend I am going to Harrisburg, by train. Weddings! Ok one Wedding, but I do feel like a lot of people I know are getting married. In fact most people I know around my age are married or have a 'serious' boyfriend. Weddings are great, but they do remind me how single I am. I also have yet to buy a wedding gift, I guess that's my chore tomorrow morning before going to the train. Figuring out what gift I'm going to give (love leaving things to the last minute).

But the best part of all of these weddings is the people. Its so nice to catch up with friends from college. But you also get to meet some interesting people.

The problem is that I am not really an outgoing person. Sure I can pretend to be outgoing, but in reality I am a introvert. I like being by myself, reading a book or writing. I think some days I might become a hermit. So when I have to go to a wedding or some party, I feel the need to push myself to be outgoing and interesting and extroverted. Like last night when I was at the first home group meeting of the fall, I made my self be outgoing. I kind of played a part, which is when my acting training comes in handy. But in reality I would have been more silent, less outspoken, among people I do not know. But I make myself be outgoing. I think its my grandparents (who are sales people and both very outgoing), because they are outgoing I feel like I have to be too.

Does this mean that I am being disingenuous? And is any one else single and annoyed by all their married friends?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Subway Lalabuy

Sing me to sleep on the rattling train car
which rush though the electronically lit night
rushes over and down below.
Sing me to sleep oh oh oh

On this subway car, sing me away
in this empty brightly lit car
On this subway car, sing me away
For this is the subway lullaby
for those awake this late at night

Dance me around and settle me down
while lights rush by and the rhythm
of train and stations, beats out my yawns
Dance me around oh oh oh

On this subway car, dance me around
in this empty seat filled car
On this subway car, sing me away
For this is the subway lullaby
for those awake this late at night

And for all of those who stay awake
who's day is night and night is day
who love this well lit jungle gym
I guess I'll join you for a bit
Singing and dancing away the light
Til morn' brings forward sunrise bright
So sing me to sleep oh oh oh

On this subway car, on which I ride
in the empty bright city night
On this subway car, sing me away
For this is the subway lullaby
for those awake this late at night

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Calling Out

Yesterday I woke up with a horrible headache. I believe it was just my allergies playing havoc with me, but it also could have been something else. I had had a rather random and crazy weekend. Let me give you the low down of what that all entailed. It started with going out to drinks on Friday with some people from my office (just two drinks, nothing crazy). Then I went home and had a little to eat and watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind all the way through for the first time (sad it took me this long to watch it, I know). The next morning I was up rather early and walked to the Gap store, to the bank, to the grocery store, and home. Then I rode the bus up to Manayunk and got really motion sick on the way there.

Dead Air's last performance was that night, and we had a great audience that really got into the show. At one point they were all shouting brains along with us (which had never happened before). It was nice to end on such a good note. Then after a couple of drinks I got a ride home around 12:30ish and was in bed by 1:30am.

Sunday I woke up with my neck hurting on the one side, like I had slept on it wrong or pulled a muscle. I walked to Church, because there was a race Sunday morning and my bus was not running as normal. There was a picnic after Church with really good food and I met some people that I will most likely be joining for a home meeting. I took the bus home because I was not really up to walking another 45minutes. Once at home I took a nap did some reading and cleaning around the apartment then went back to bed.

Now as busy as that all that was, I don't think that any of it really directly influenced my head ache Monday morning. Maybe I just needed to get some extra sleep, or worse maybe I'm coming down with something. I will say that my allergies are still rather crazy today. Maybe I just really needed a mental health day. Who knows. Anyone else out there have a crazy weekend?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Secret Shopper

So, I did something rather ridiculous today. I played secret shopper for my company, shopping at a competitor. Crazy. I'm not going to state particulars, because that would be stupid. But it is really hilarious pretending to be someone interested in something, definably with computer stuff. I am a tech for a software company, and playing dumb so another tech at another company can try to sell me their software. 

The Second thing that's weird about doing this is that I can play back the call (because all calls are recorded at work) and listen to myself. It always amazes me how different I sound to other people. I hear myself completely differently. When I listen to recordings of myself I sound so much younger. Amazing. I guess I need to adjust how I think I sound.

We're putting this down as another strange and new experience here in Philly. Working temp. for this company has definably taught me alot, even if they are under paying me.

Hit Me Hard

(because every time I think I can beat the rain home I get wet, but every time I chicken out it never rains).

Hit me hard, with little sharp drops
which drive themselves into my skin
dribble down my back, and off my nose
spray up my legs, and across my face
Try to blow me over, over, over
while I struggle against the river
running down the street
Bike sloshing, tires skating
through the flood.
Soak me through to the bone
and passing cars, drivers dry
will laugh and shake their heads
while I wet, soaked, dripping
bike in the thunderstorm
I thought I would make it
I thought I could make it home
And not get wet.
So hit me hard, with rain
Light up my way with lightening
just get me home in one piece
soaked and ratty and worn
breathing hard and cold
Once home, I'll hang
all those dripping pieces in front
of a fan and warm up with a shower
of warmer water then what nature
spit at me two minutes before.
Home laughing at the cold wet outside
Laughing at my outrageous need
to bike in weather so mean
So hit me hard, later I'll laugh

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lose Me Too

Lose me too,
lose me in the darkness
lose me some where green
lose me where you got lost

loosen up the northern winds
loosen up the shadow game
loosen up the ties that bind
and lose me to

If I was lost, just like you
away out there some where
If I was lost, just like you
away to the electrical lands
I'd lose you where I got lost

So lose me too.

Being a Good Neighbor

Liberti, the church I have been going to recently (and will most likely be joining as member soon), is doing a in depth look in to the Gospel of Luke this fall. They're calling it 'Finding Your Self in His Story'. They even made up these cool little devotionals that walk through Luke and concentrate on how we pray. This past Sunday we looked at the parable of the seeds and our own hearts in the process. I've realized something, I'm a lot closer to the seed with the weeds choking it then the seed in the good soil. I don't have a hard heart, or a shallow heart, I have a busy heart. 

I love theatre, I love writing, I love art, my family, my friends, and a lot of things. The problem is that all of these things are vying for number one on my priorities. And because of that I struggle to be productive and proactive in anything and everything. Yes I'm making excuses for my amazing ability to be a procrastinator in all things. But really the issue is getting rid of the things that really stand in the way, and changing my way of thinking.

Now what does that all have to do with the title of this post, 'Being a Good Neighbor'?

Last night my down stairs neighbors decided to start 'talking' very loudly at about 1am. Of course I could hear almost all of the 'converstation' happening downstairs, which is the amazingly annoying thing about living in row houses. What I originally thought was an argument, was actually a young women telling her boyfriend that she is going to have his kid. (He was not happy with this at all). Now I don't know much about my neighbors down stairs, there are a couple of women with two very cute little girls and other people who are always going in and out.

What surprised/annoyed me was that at 1am in the morning, three or four adults were practically yelling at each other, while one of the kids was screaming in the back room. Now I like to think of myself as a rather laid back person, but being woken up at 1am when I have to work the next day, and being kept up for another hour and a half, by random loud outburst, which would set the kids crying again, changes a person. After shooting off several 'choice' words in the dark of my bedroom while I lay awake on my bed, listening to the ridiculous 'coversation' I realized I had no idea how to handle the situation.

WWJD? Cliche I know, but I mean it. How in the world is a Christian suppose to handle that situation? Should I just stomp on the floor and swear till I can get back to sleep, or is there a better way? Part of me wanted to just open my door, and yell down the staircase from them to shut up, but I doubt that would actually have helped. And as unpolitically correct as this might sound, last night made me feel very white, very privileged and very out of my comfort zone. I guess that I have to work on being a better neighbor and more comfortable with the people on me street.

Any suggestions on how to deal with loud neighbors? Or even how to better organize my life so I get things done? How to not be a procrastinator?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ten Things I love About Philly

10) Public transportation: I'm not saying that SEPTA is the most amazing public transportation system in the world, its just nice to be able to get around without a car.

9) Friends: Its amazing to me how many people here went to Messiah or know someone from Messiah. Its nice to have connections.

8) Philadelphia Fringe: Besides being in a show (last show this Saturday at 8pm at Dawson St. Pub), I have been able to see some amazing theatre. I'm going to see House Arrest: Watergate the Musical tomorrow. And EGOPO's production of Murat/Saud was amazing.

7) Being poor: Makes you really appreciate free and discounted things. Like free Philly Orchestra concerts and free bagels in the office.

6) The Philly Zoo: Thanks to my parents I have a membership for a year, who doesn't like hanging out with animals every once and a while?

5) Bike Lanes: I would be terrified to ride my bike without them, definably here in Philadelphia. Of course it would be nice if you did not have to share the bike lanes with buses 20,000 times your size. Also there is a weird sort of sub-culture of crazy bikers that I don't mind being associated with.

4) Food: Whether it is amazing restaurants, favorite include Marthon Grill and Jake's Firehouse, or cool grocery stores, like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, or Farmer's Markets, like Reading Terminal Market and the Fairmount farmer's Market. Philly has amazing food! Although I must state that it is really sad that I can't eat any of the cheese cake this city has to offer, stupid lactose intolerance...

3) Historical Philadelphia: There is something nice about cobbled streets, rows of neat brick houses, and streets too narrow for cars. Living in a place where history happened, where you feel like you could step back through time just for a moment.

2) Finding new places: I slowly explore and find new places to hang out or to walk through. New neighborhoods, shops, clubs, pubs, and parks. It is always an adventure and slowly this city is becoming my city.

1) My apartment: Despite my love of new things, its nice to come back to a place I know and escape from people and traffic and history and everything else crazy happening around me. In my apartment I can be a poor theatre artist from the middle of no where Upstate NY with no worries.

What's your favorite parts of Philly? How about the worst? Anything you think I should check out? How about the best neighborhood to live in (since I will be moving come Nov. 15th)?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Yesterday I was in the mood to wear a dress to work, so I decided to ride the subway into work instead of biking. After a weekend of theatre and little sleep, I felt tired all day. Even though I arrived to work early, by lunch time I was ready for a nap. On my ride home on the bus, I drifted in and out of sleep. My allergies were bad and I had a head ache.

Once home I made dinner, broccoli and apple pork sausage I purchased a whole foods (which is absolutely amazing by the way). I took a shower, took some benadryl and by 7:10 I was in bed. I did not sleep straight through the night, I was woke up by my neighbors around 10pm. And again early in the morning. But still I was really tired. And of course my brain feels a little sluggish today as well. My allergies still have my head full. Still sleep is good, and I must have needed it. Tonight I will try and be more productive, like studying for the GRE. Anyone else sleep exorbitant amounts? Anyone else being killed by allergies this fall?

Monday, September 13, 2010


There is a good plant hiding out
deep down in my heart
a seed was planted deep down
and it has been watered
and the soil is good
the problem is the weeds

I've let the weeds over flow
grow up and around and deep too
So this good plant is hiding out
waiting for sunlight, water, and food
And desperately I break the weeds down
but unable to get their roots,
they just keep grow'n back

I need to clear my heart out
get that seed growing right
gather more good seeds
so I can have a forest
or a sweeping field
or a garden for your feet
lets get rid of all these weeds

Friday, September 10, 2010

Farmer Markets

Yesterday I went to a Farmers Market that happens ever Thursday near the Eastern State Penitentiary.  Its small, with about six different vendors. I simply stopped on my way home, it's a slight detour, chained up my bike and slowly wondered through everything. First I purchased two summer squash and a quart of apple cider, $3.50. Then I contemplated buying some goats milk, or goat cheese, but decided it was a little too expensive. I passed by some of the most wonderful looking vegetables, a visual symphony of various colors, textures, and shapes. Purple Carrots, Yellow Tomatoes and strangely shaped squash. I passed a table of homemade bread, and talked to the vendor. He makes all of his bread from scratch, but not only that, he makes his own flour. He purchases his grain from organic growers, along with his sugar, eggs and milk. I bought a small loaf, $4.00, of raisin bread. I decided against buying eggs (simply because I'm still finishing off the ones I bought last week). Also I could have purchased more veggies, but was nervous about getting it all into the basket on my bike, without squashing the bread.

The wonderful thing about Farmers Markets is that people are always nice. You really know where your food is coming from. You can ask about farming practices, how they raise their animals, and how they make their products. The sad thing about Farmers Markets is that it makes me miss being about to walk out the back door of my parents house, walk a couple of steps, and right into the garden. There is something absolutely wonderful about growing your own food. About picking a tomato or onion or a couple of pea pods, wash them off at the water faucet outside, and starting to eat them dripping and fresh. Yes sweet onions are amazing to eat like apples.

The funny thing about yesterday is that the whole time I was laughing at myself and the people around me. I know how to buy Mellon and know when something is ripe. So many people yesterday had no clue, while others just seemed to expect that no matter what they purchased it would be good, with no need to look at what they were buying. I guess I have my mother and grandmother for teaching me how to buy food.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Tomorrow I have the third performance of DEAD AIR, 8pm at Connie's Ric Rac.

But I really want to talk about what happened yesterday on the ride home from work. I left work at 5pm, which is normal and with my bike went into the elevator, down three stories, and out to the side walk. The wind hit me as soon as I went out the door. Normally I have to deal with a little breeze, and it always seems to be right in my face every afternoon. But yesterday it was crazy strong and at some points I actually wondered if I was moving forward at all. And as I was fighting my way forward, trying to not get hit by crazy Philly drivers, and watching the birds flying sideways, a poem started to form in my head. (see The Western Wind if you want to read.)

And of course I'm trying to write a poem while riding my bike. Which is impossible. So I kept repeating the start of it, hoping that I would remember what I felt striving against that wind. How I felt as though that wind were inside of me, as if it was asking me to fly away with it, and how much I wish I was a bird. Anyways, my brain seems to like to think in terms of writing now, which is cool, slightly scary, and very annoying. (Since I can't ride a bike and write at the same time.) Well I hope you enjoy the poem!

The Western Wind

There is a western wind which blows
right through me to my very soul
and whips up a discord so great
that my very soul begins to quake
And my mind with wisdom and logic
can not repel the great wind
nor stop the discord within
And my heart begins a wild dance
while the wind plays harp and flute
A wild dance which would make me leap
had not I so heavy feet, which drag me
drag me, pull and keep me,
ever walking against the great force

This great western wind, which inconstant blows
which with my heart would float away
to sea and billowing clouds and darkening sky
If only my burdensome feet would let me.
If only my logice of my mind could not keep me
If only my feet could dance with my heart
And my mind forget its commonsensical ways
Then away, then away, then away
I would fly, towards the darkening eastern sky
And follow the western winds flight
from the setting sun of orange and pink.

Yet I am no bird, which to the east
nor west could fly swiftly and soft
I am made of clay and with no wing
fall heavily ground ward always
forget me oh great western wind
forget my song and my dance
leave me, leave me, leave me
Leave my heart free of thy clamor
and my mind will quickly bind my soul
Oh great wind, take with you a tear
and be free of the foundation earth
take flight, and I will root me down
with heavy feet into the ground.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


A day to the north, a month to the east
a week to the south and across the western sea
will take you to the land of flowing green
where young wheat gathers height and
waves in play with the winds childish blows
dreams and simple life abound
but this is not where our promise was made

Western over mountains high, south to the cold below
east of the flowing planes and north of the old river
there is a city dark, old, and made of stone
which gather the children of darkness and pain
who trudged homeward from roting mine
though the smoke of the towering factories
nightmare and darkness abound
But this is not where our promise was made

Our promise was made on the road
which we traveled together for a time
a road which every soul must find.
A road which runs neither north nor south,
east nor west, to no solid place, yet every place
Our promise was made on that road
while traveling forward through our lives
And for a time together we walked
or crawled or run or climbed.

Now I must find another road
one which you can not follow me on.
Not yet at least, later you will
for every soul must travel far from here.
And in that journey all promises break
do not cry, we may yet meet
but not yet, not yet, not yet,

my love...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Scottish Play

So I have started another play... although this one is going to take some doing. It is a play with in a play with a summer stock theatre's production of Macbeth. I'm putting my knowledge of Shakespeare on the line. I'm also trying to not say Shakespeare in the whole play, nor Macbeth... this is going to be hard. And of course it needs to be funny. Here is the first two scenes I've written. (Couple of Notes: (1) **means I have not decided on the name yet, if it is around the name of the character they are within Macbeth, but their 'real' name is yet to be decided. (2) This is my first draft.)

The Scottish Play

Setting: Everything happens either backstage or onstage in a small semi-professional summer Stock theatre, early in the summer season.

Act 1: Putting it all together
Scene 1: Meet me my sisters

Girl 1
Like OMG when are we going to get together?
Let’s decide after this ‘rehearsal’ is like done. I mean who knows how long that will take.
We should be done before the stores close in the mall.
Should we meet there?
No lets go to the parking lot we can meet the boys.
Stage Manager (off stage)
All right everyone gather on the stage please.
Let’s go
Ya come on
I’m coming
All 3
Cool is boring, and boring is cool
Hey at least theatre is better than school.

Scene 2: Let's meet the cast.

Everyone is gathering on the stage, to start the rehearsal.

So who is that new young man?
Not sure, I believe that our stage manager would have the answer? (whispering) *name* come here. Who is that young man?
SM (stage manager)
Which? Oh he’s playing Macduff, all though I forget his name. He is one of the actors from NYC that’s here for the summer. Supposedly he is one of the up and coming actors in NY, and we’re very lucky to have him, he’s rather brilliant.
He seems the right sort of fella, not bad looking either. Although he does look rather lonely over there by himself.
Well I am sure that he will get to know people around here fast enough. He was in a production of Hamlet in Boston that was supposed to be rather amazing. They say that his Hamlet was both mad and sane, soft spoken, yet sharp edged. I would have loved to have seen it.
Careful we’ll all think you had a crush
I, well that’s foolish, don’t you, I mean I have not really even met him yet.
Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar
but never doubt thy love
Oh really they have not even meet yet.
Well I better gather the stragglers
That poor girl, you really should stop quoting the bard, it get annoying.
Ah and who is this?
Young Andrew, back for another summer are we?
Yes. So who is playing the Scottish Lord, who from Thane to king goes?
It is Mr. Smith, I believe you met him last year? He will return once again to woo us all with his strutting and fretting.
And unlike the raven he will not grow horse
Stop it, stop it, you’re a bad influence on this poor boy *Duncan*, no one quotes the bard sir grey beard.
That’s not at all fair, but soft, fair ** our stage manager speaks.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Shameless Plug

Since I am shorting my lunch today (because I need to leave early from work for the show). I though I would just give you all some links that have more information on my show... You could come see it you know.

Fringe Website

City Paper

Dawson Street Dramatic Societies Blog

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bus Rides

So this morning I woke up at 7:15. I had forgotten to set my alarm. less then 20mins later on was on my way to work on the bus. I arrived late (by about 5mins) and set to work. Besides the fact that it is hot out side (mid 90s) and the air quality is bad today, I'm also dealing with a really bad alergy attack. My eyes are itchy, my nose is plugged, and my head feels ready to explode. And of course Thursdays are always crazy at work. I have been handling live chats and phone calls all morning. well'st trying desperately to not go crazy. I swear the really smart (dumb) cust. wait to call in till Thursday and Friday when have less people working...

Tonight I have last rehearsal for Dead Air, before our pre-view tomorrow. I get to leave strait from work and go to Dawson St. Pub. And I will have to grab dinner at some point along the way. Hopefully we will not be out too late tonight, seeing as I really need my sleep.

The funny thing is that I will be riding the bus a lot the next couple of days, as it is the best way to get to Manayunk. Buses are great places to watch people and are air conditioned (great for hot days like today). Take this morning. The cutest kid sits next to me, while his mother sits across the way with his sister. He was singing to himself the whole time, swinging his little legs in time. It sounded like a song from Dora or some other kids program. I did not know it. I don't think he even knew all the words, he only said a couple that I could hear. I was smiling, even though I was running late.

Well wish me luck, the next three days plan to be rather crazy... actually the next four weekends.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Promises Of Old

They have taken down the memory stones
The ones that were put up long ago
They tore them up and knocked them down
They desecrated holy ground.
And some where in the earth deep below
The dead, our elders, they all moan
And cause a ruckus underneath
were darkness live and shadows join
to keep the light above the ground.

These memory stones, which once stood high
have been dragged away, you can see the marks
and tossed unceremoniously into the sea
where the things of the deep will in tumult be
for out of the sea these stones long ago came
and where placed for the remembrance of man
Returned they lay powerless, soon forgotten.
For they have taken down the memory stones

And now what should we remember?
And now what should our story be?
How will will we teach our children the story?
When nothing can they see, touch, and read?
How long will it take us to forget?

They have torn down all the memory stones
the ones that remind us of the past
They have desecrated our memories
destroyed our connection to the past
ripped, torn, dragged, broken, fallen
How long will it take us to forget?