Tomorrow I have the third performance of DEAD AIR, 8pm at Connie's Ric Rac.
But I really want to talk about what happened yesterday on the ride home from work. I left work at 5pm, which is normal and with my bike went into the elevator, down three stories, and out to the side walk. The wind hit me as soon as I went out the door. Normally I have to deal with a little breeze, and it always seems to be right in my face every afternoon. But yesterday it was crazy strong and at some points I actually wondered if I was moving forward at all. And as I was fighting my way forward, trying to not get hit by crazy Philly drivers, and watching the birds flying sideways, a poem started to form in my head. (see The Western Wind if you want to read.)
And of course I'm trying to write a poem while riding my bike. Which is impossible. So I kept repeating the start of it, hoping that I would remember what I felt striving against that wind. How I felt as though that wind were inside of me, as if it was asking me to fly away with it, and how much I wish I was a bird. Anyways, my brain seems to like to think in terms of writing now, which is cool, slightly scary, and very annoying. (Since I can't ride a bike and write at the same time.) Well I hope you enjoy the poem!
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