Friday, September 24, 2010

Weddings, Meeting People, and Being Introverted

This weekend I am going to Harrisburg, by train. Weddings! Ok one Wedding, but I do feel like a lot of people I know are getting married. In fact most people I know around my age are married or have a 'serious' boyfriend. Weddings are great, but they do remind me how single I am. I also have yet to buy a wedding gift, I guess that's my chore tomorrow morning before going to the train. Figuring out what gift I'm going to give (love leaving things to the last minute).

But the best part of all of these weddings is the people. Its so nice to catch up with friends from college. But you also get to meet some interesting people.

The problem is that I am not really an outgoing person. Sure I can pretend to be outgoing, but in reality I am a introvert. I like being by myself, reading a book or writing. I think some days I might become a hermit. So when I have to go to a wedding or some party, I feel the need to push myself to be outgoing and interesting and extroverted. Like last night when I was at the first home group meeting of the fall, I made my self be outgoing. I kind of played a part, which is when my acting training comes in handy. But in reality I would have been more silent, less outspoken, among people I do not know. But I make myself be outgoing. I think its my grandparents (who are sales people and both very outgoing), because they are outgoing I feel like I have to be too.

Does this mean that I am being disingenuous? And is any one else single and annoyed by all their married friends?

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