Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ten Things I love About Philly

10) Public transportation: I'm not saying that SEPTA is the most amazing public transportation system in the world, its just nice to be able to get around without a car.

9) Friends: Its amazing to me how many people here went to Messiah or know someone from Messiah. Its nice to have connections.

8) Philadelphia Fringe: Besides being in a show (last show this Saturday at 8pm at Dawson St. Pub), I have been able to see some amazing theatre. I'm going to see House Arrest: Watergate the Musical tomorrow. And EGOPO's production of Murat/Saud was amazing.

7) Being poor: Makes you really appreciate free and discounted things. Like free Philly Orchestra concerts and free bagels in the office.

6) The Philly Zoo: Thanks to my parents I have a membership for a year, who doesn't like hanging out with animals every once and a while?

5) Bike Lanes: I would be terrified to ride my bike without them, definably here in Philadelphia. Of course it would be nice if you did not have to share the bike lanes with buses 20,000 times your size. Also there is a weird sort of sub-culture of crazy bikers that I don't mind being associated with.

4) Food: Whether it is amazing restaurants, favorite include Marthon Grill and Jake's Firehouse, or cool grocery stores, like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, or Farmer's Markets, like Reading Terminal Market and the Fairmount farmer's Market. Philly has amazing food! Although I must state that it is really sad that I can't eat any of the cheese cake this city has to offer, stupid lactose intolerance...

3) Historical Philadelphia: There is something nice about cobbled streets, rows of neat brick houses, and streets too narrow for cars. Living in a place where history happened, where you feel like you could step back through time just for a moment.

2) Finding new places: I slowly explore and find new places to hang out or to walk through. New neighborhoods, shops, clubs, pubs, and parks. It is always an adventure and slowly this city is becoming my city.

1) My apartment: Despite my love of new things, its nice to come back to a place I know and escape from people and traffic and history and everything else crazy happening around me. In my apartment I can be a poor theatre artist from the middle of no where Upstate NY with no worries.

What's your favorite parts of Philly? How about the worst? Anything you think I should check out? How about the best neighborhood to live in (since I will be moving come Nov. 15th)?


Anonymous said...

love the post. sounds like you're embracing the artist & Philly life

Unknown said...

Strangly, yes, I feel at home in Philly, although there are still things that make me uncomfortable. I still feel like part of me will always be longing for small Groton NY and where I grew up.