Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It is officially December! Last night my roommates and I hung stockings on our mantle (yes we have a mantle). And we are discussing getting a real tree for the living room too. Of course that means that we have to get decorations. I have a ton of stuff at my parents house in the way of ornaments, but I have none of them with me of course. If I was smart I would have brought them back with me when I was home for Thanksgiving. December also means that I have to start thinking about X-mas gifts. Being poor, this is always a interesting and crazy affair.

Also my Christmas with my family with year is going to be a little rushed. For the first time I am going to spend less the four days at home for the holidays. During school I always had a month or so, and last year I had about a week. The year before I was living at home, so it did not matter that I had to work every day but Christmas and New Years. I also feel very behind. I have yet to do my x-mas cards for this year. Between grad applications, the first one is due Dec 15th (the others are not due till Jan, or later). I guess I just feel very behind and busy. And yet, it is very normal for X-mas.

25 Days!

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