Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Crazy Technology

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” (Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss). 

Yesterday I wrote about learning to not live in my dreams but rather in real life. My sister, via Facebook, told me to not stop dreaming totally, because that would make me boring. My sister has a great way of reminding me of important stuff as well as giving me a hard time (what else are sisters for). But I realized that maybe the point that I was trying to make, was not really the one I wanted to make. Dreams are great. I'm talking about the dreams we have about what we will do when we grow up, who we'll be sometime in the future, and what we want in life. Never giving up on your dreams can be a great thing. 

There is however a danger in Dreams or wishes. First we might spend so much time dreaming that 'real' life means nothing, and we do nothing to get our dreams. This is what I was talking about yesterday. I have found myself living in my head more then in real life. This does not mean I need to stop dreaming necessarily, but that I need to start doing more. You can dream all you want, but if you are not doing something about it, what is the point of the dream?

Second there is the fact that what we dream and what we actually get are never exactly the same. Sometimes this is a good thing. Honestly if I had become the Prima Ballerina I wanted to become when I was a little girl, my life now would be totally different (and not all in good ways). Take for instences that even when I was a 13 or 14 year old I understood that I would have to change a lot (physically) to make it as a ballerina. I love food too much for all that (although that is not the full reason for me stopping ballet). What I started to understand then I totally understand now. Of course Theatre can be just as harsh on body type and 'looks' but in a very differnt way from Ballet. In Ballet critics will call someone way to skinny fat, because they are not really right body wise. In Theatre, we tend to not say things like that. Rather Directors cast the body type they want. So there you go, my dream was to be a Ballerina, now I want to be a director, actor, writer. 

What am I actually doing? Currently I am the Social Media Coordinator for a software company. Talk about doing something that is completely separate from what I wanted to do with my life 'when I grow up'. But then again my job is in part what allows me to pursue theatre, and gives me the skills to promote myself. Want to talk about blogging, Facebooking, Twittering, Linkedin, and faceplated? Ya I get all of that and more. In fact the crazy amount of technology and social ability that some how I managed to learn/find within myself is staggering. Definably if you take in the fact that I was the uncool kid in fifth grade who didn't really start reading till that summer, and was socially awkward. Strange how what we dream can sometimes not be a 'big' enough dream. And as Dr. Seuss says "There is no one alive who is Youer than You" And you might be just perfect for something totally unrelated to what you dreamed you would be doing.

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