Monday, March 28, 2011

Bumming it

I'm really good at a couple of things that aren't really that great to be good at. I'm a good procrastinator. I'm good at being annoying. I'm good at been a complete klutz. I'm extremely good at being a bum.

What you ask do I mean by bum? Do I mean someone with little education who sleeps outside and picks garbage for food? No. Do I mean a basically educated person who instead of doing something completely productive, decides to sit and read a book and do two loads of laundry as her days worth of activities. Yes.

That was my Saturday. I slept in, ate some food, took a shower, read several chapters of Lord of the Rings (I'm in the Two Towers currently), did some laundry (which I did not really finish until Sunday when I pulled the second load out and folded it and put it away). Yep that was my day. Now I don't think that it is problematic that I tend to do be a little lazy on the weekends every once in a while. But it is a problem when my Saturday begins to be about the same every week. There are a lot of things I could get done on Saturday, house cleaning, running, writing, calling friends, baking, and, well, anything else that might need to be done, like bills. Nope I would rather just lay in bed reading my book, listening to music with a cat on my lap.

I guess the last couple of weekends I have felt that I deserved to be a 'bum'. That my roommates really should do their own dishes, that I really am too tired to write that much or go for a run. I had a crazy busy stressful week, and thus I deserve a break. The problem is that the world does not take a break. The problem is that my breaks have become the habit. The problem is that I am not getting enough done. (At this point my mother is probably smiling). So I have decided to get more done. I am going to give my self a list to get done on the weekend. And by hell or deep water (or whatever the saying is), I'm going to get it done. Now back to Monday...

Wish me luck...

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