Monday, April 4, 2011

The Only Thing I'm Really Good At.

Give me mercy, give me light, give me everything good and bright
I will take it, I will break it, I will mare it, I'll stomp and smear it
Give me beauty, give me life, give me everything good and bright
I will destroy it, I will try to undo it, I'll stomp and smear it.

Gather all the good things together
to make a good burning fire
Don't you dare give me good things
I can only destroy them
The only thing I'm really good at
is destruction.

show me mercy, show me light, show me everything peaceful and nice
I will see it, I will take it, I will do my darnest to stop and destroy it.
Show me hate, show me darkness, show me everything painful and wrong
I will see it, I will learn it, I will do my darnest to keep and protect it.

Gather all the good things together
to make a good burning fire
Don't you dare give me good things
I can only destroy them
the only thing I'm really good at
is failing.

I showed you hatred, I showed you darkness, I showed you everything wrong
You will see it, you will take it, you will die for it and always destroy it
Show me nails and show me thorns, teach me again that mercy is yours
I will see it, I will learn it, I will bury it deep in my heart.

Gather all the bad thing together
to make a good burning fire
leave me bare don't you dare
not destroy them all
the only thing I'm really good at
is returning.

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