Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Yesterday night I went to a service at my church. There is something completely weird and wonderful about Holy Week. First of all, we are Celebrating the death of God. Secondly we are celebrating his life. And third we are looking forward to Easter, and the glorious rise.

I grew up in the Church, ever year on Good Friday we would go to church and sit in the darkness to hear the final moments of Christs life. Its hard to replace traditions. It still seems weird to me to not be home around this time of year. Christmas is a holiday that makes sense to people. Its a big deal after all that Christ came. That's the nice part of the story. Who does not want to have a little baby and gifts and angles. Its peaceful, hopeful, glorious, simple, easy.

Good Friday is not easy, or simple, or peaceful. Its dark, and fearful. Yet with out the hope of Christmas, or the despair of Good Friday, there is no meaning in Easter. And I would argue that Easter is the more important holiday, not because He died, but because He Rose.

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