Thursday, April 28, 2011

Come like a Whisper

There is something wonderfully depressing about the rain
There is something wonderfully destroying about the storm
The wind blows and billows and roars
and I stand rooted to the ground, hands out stretched
bring on the rain bring on the storm

Lightening and crashes, the wonderfully terror
There is debris, and destruction everywhere
The wind blows and billows and roars
and I fall to me knees and hope you'll destroy me
bring on the destruction bring on the storm

There is something wonderfully freeing about the pain
There is something wonderfully peaceful about the storm
The wind blows and billows and roars
and I fly higher then the mounting clouds
bring on the peace bring on the storm

For you weren't in the storm
for you weren't in the wind
for you weren't in the fire
for you were in the silence
So bring on the rain, bring on the storm
and come like a whisper

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