I would like to start by saying that I did not really sleep last night. Whether because the temperature was a lot colder than it had been all weekend, honeysuckle is in bloom, or stress I am not sure. For whatever reason I hung between being a wake and being asleep all night. Its a really weird place to be. Your body is tired, so it does not want to move, your limps are heavy. Yet your mind is still going at one hundred miles an hour, so you toss and turn. My guess is that I am already stressing about a couple of things.
First, amazingly, I have a girl moving into the apartment today. Which is GREAT! finally having a roommate will be a wonderful thing. Its really annoying not having someone in the apartment.
Second, and this is the real stress part, I have an audition tomorrow. But it is not any audition. It is the Philadelphia Annual Auditions, and it means that there will be a whole lot of people there. I'm hoping that this means that I will get parts in this next years productions. Obviously I'm already nervous, I can feel that in my stomach right now, while I write this. The important this is not to let those nerves get in the way of a good audition, and being really positive. I'm praying for a good nights sleep (I'll need it).
And of course this past weekend I did work on my monologues, but probably not as much as I should have. I have the Chekhov memorized completely, but the other one is still a little shaky and making my nerves worse. And of course being low on sleep is not helping either. I guess I need to work on calming myself down...
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