Friday, June 4, 2010

Worst Pick Up Lines Ever

Yesterday on my way home I was following the same biker through several red lights. After stopping at the third or fourth one, he turns to me and says "We need to stop meeting like this." Now what in the world are you suppose to say to that? My reply was "Ya I hate red lights..." End of conversation. But it got me thinking about really bad pick up lines. Like "did it hurt?/when you fell from heaven" or "you must be tired/because you've been running around my head all day."

Of course I do have my favorite come back, directly for my life as a theatre artist. "Wow the entrance was great, the delivery superb, lets see the exit." (yes I have used it). But come on why do guys feel the need to use those cheesy lines, that none of us women can take seriously? Am I too much of a romantic if I just want to have tea and talk? I would really like to stop having scary guys flirt with me on the subway, and get random pickup lines from people I do not know... Or am I a cold heart B----?


butterflygirl said...

I very much enjoy reading these...makes me feel like we aren't so far apart geographically. It is good to know some of the random thoughts in your head and feel some closeness. Love you girl!


Unknown said...

Thank you. It's nice to know that sometimes distance is really a relitive thing.