Monday, January 17, 2011

Breaking In

So yesterday was a very hard day. First our pastor at church let the congregation know that he is leaving (sometime this Spring). I'm kind of sad, but God is definably calling him to another church. Second I went out to lunch with friends (which was not bad) and took a nap (which was also not bad). Third after waking up from my nap at 5pm, I decided to go for a run. The run was not the bad part, actually the run was rather glorious 3.2 miles in just under 30 minutes. I was a little sore when I got back to my apartment but in reality it was all good. Well until I realized I had grabbed the wrong key.

My roommates of course were not home (that would be too easy). After trying to pick the lock on the door (something I have no practice at) and failing at that, I decided I should try the back door. Now this is the difficult part. There is a fence (thankfully) around the house. I did not have the key to get through the padlock which would make the next part easier. Rather I had to figure out how to climb over the fence. I managed it without getting hurt after a lot of huffing and puffing. Now I stood in the little bit of lawn next to the house. I walked to the back patio. The back door was off course locked. By this time my sweat was freezing on my body. So I started trying the windows. Luckily, after trying all the other windows,  I was able to get one of my bedroom windows open. I'm sure my neighbors thought someone was breaking in (which is true), but they didn't call the police (for better or worse). I managed to scramble inside. Of course the first thing I did was lock the window behind me (its a little annoying that it was unlocked though lucky for me it was). All and all it took me about an hour to get inside.

What I have learned from this experience.

1) Don't forget your keys idiot!
2) I'm really good at breaking into houses and climbing fences (scary).
3) I was really cold and lucky that I got in when I did.

Has anyone else had to break into their own house before? Its slightly crazy I must say.


Gallow said...

When I was in college, I worked at the Elementary School during the summer. My bosses were always late, I didn't have a key, and I needed to punch the time clock. I had an old coat hanger attached to my bike, so I would break in through the front door everyday so that I could punch the time card.

On my last day of work, I tossed them the coat hanger, and said, "I'm turning in my keys."

They have since replaced those doors, and you can no longer get in with a coat hanger.

Unknown said...

That's amazing! Part of me kind of wishes that I knew how to pick locks. But then again that might not be the best idea...