Monday, January 10, 2011


The first fence was metal
strung with metal wire

The second wooden planks
set row upon row

The third wood as well
but polls rung together

The fourth was up above
a metal cage, bars and all.

The last not man-made
but rather natures bramble hoard

O'r the first I went
shaking the clinging snow from the wire.
and landed in a world of white
in this world the cold froze all desire
and steel was friend with stone

Snow had piled itself high
upon the wooden fence as well,
yet when over this fence I climbed
more snow I did not find
but rather a wet new spring.

The third had new vines clinging there
yet when o'r it, I found a summer fair
cool grass beneath my feet and flowers
flowers of every shade, but mostly white
And the sun beat down from on high

Above me, round a high terrace of brick
the fourth fence encircles lovers fair
although open above, it still kept inmates in
since neither Juliet nor Romeo am I
I had no interest in climbing so high.

So on to the fifth I went cautiously
and through rather than over the brambles I
And found a world in Autumn kept
with brilliant orange leaves crowning the tree tops
and the cold of winter a soon know decease

And wondered I what the five fences meant
but seeing as I can not go back,
I've stayed in this land on the verge of despair
and many a strange friend found here
But mostly of love and the fourth fence I dream.

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