Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bring in the New Year

Once again it is a New Year. A new chance to make a fresh start. A time to make plans and decisions. Why is it that we feel the need to 'start fresh' in the middle of winter? Why is it that the beginning of a new year some how motivates us to actually make plans and propose change. So many goals are made for the new year. But how many of those goals do we actually achieve?

I heard some where that it take 21 days to learn a habit. meaning if you want to make something a habit it takes 21 straight days of doing that task (or whatever it is). That is basically a month of changing how you do something. If you can't make it 21 days, then you will never create that habit. The same thing goes for breaking a habit. Because in reality in order to break the habit, you have to create one to replace it.

So what if instead of making a bunch of goals ever new year, which we will forget about a week later, we concentrate on constant change? There are some many things in my life that I want to do better. Some many things that I need to change. So I am going to make a resolution this year, but I'm starting small. I'm going to write every day. Perhaps not always on this blog, but I will write something at least for 15 minutes ever day in this coming year. Who knows what new habit/goal I'll have in the next 21 days. I'm just going to worry about getting this one into my list of things I do every day. So look forward to a lot more writing (I hope).

Happy New Years! Bring it on 2012.

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