Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Purpose

When I first started this blog it was with the purpose of telling my story. My struggle as an theatre artist newly moved to Philly. In some ways that struggle has continued. A starving artist I am not. I don't really have the guts to be. Literally I love my food too much. But although I work full time and have not been really concentrating on 'Theatre' much the last few months, I have been learning a lot about myself. After all life seldom follows the path that you set out for yourself.

I have been thinking for a while that I needed a new purpose for this blog. Wandering endlessly between random writing can be fun, but lets face it, there is no real reason behind it. Today I was talking to a couple of people and realized, I need more purpose. I am still an Artist living in Philly. My 'art' has changed. My expression is more writing than acting and more introspective than outgoing, but it is still a story, a way of expressing beyond myself.

So as the title suggestions, I have a new purpose. I guess. By the end of the month I will hopefully have a better idea of what my goals are. (yes goals are different then purpose). My Purpose is to continue telling my story, through poetry, plays, and stories I write, along with views on life in Philly. I already have one goal, which is to get something performed or published by the end of the year. But that is very vague. I have so many projects I have started, that I really need to work and finish one.

Of course something else I would really like to do is involve all of you...(if anyone besides my mum reads this) and hopefully get more people to join in. So any suggestions on how to make this blog more interesting / fun to read / or even suggestions on goals are of course welcome.

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