Friday, January 27, 2012


Quietus is (2) a "discharge or release from life". (from

From between the silent stars
which coldly hang in the firmament
watching life of blood and pain
the last petal of a rose
a final meal among friends
the sunsets dissolving rays
the curtain's falling billowing folds.

From the shadow between the stars
And returning to that same cold place
A friend and foe
a release, a jail
the finale, the beginning

In the heavens the stars dance
the same circles, the same steps
and all creation breaths
A journey finished and just starting
A white horse, pawing the ground
The falcon's clicking beak
a lion ready to pounce.

Freedom and a haunting glare
the foot steps upon a stone floor
the calling raven's empty song
a fair morning after a wake
Goodbye, fare thee well,
live in our hearts, our minds
find thee, find thee

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