Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Joy and Crown

Philippians 4:1 "Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord, my beloved."

The dogs are out
the ones that eat flesh
who tear and disfigure
And I rejoice in the destruction
for the endurance of flesh
is short and eliding
I once believed in this world
in the politically correct
in the prison of liberation
in money and law
I put all my confidence
in things I could touch and see

But all that I have gained
my 'liberation', my rightness
every part of my flesh
It is loss, it is nothing
Rather I trust in endless patients
My gain death and suffering
all things are garbage
ready to be burnt
And I have true freedom
in something, someone, greater

The dogs are out
but their end is destruction
And I run forward
keep pressing onward
the goal is ahead
the past is behind

So dear ones, my family
my joy, my crown, my love
Stand on the Rock
the firm rock of your salvation
and fear not the wraith of the dogs.

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