Thursday, April 8, 2010


So its hot. Here we are in April and it is hot. Not warm, Hot and a little humid. Feels like summer, like late July or August, not April. Perhaps its just being in the city. Or maybe the weather just wants to play on the extremes this year. We had a ton of snow for winter, breaking tons of records, and now a really hot summer. Who knows. Last summer was so cool up at my parents house and the summer before was also cold and wet.

I know that they keep telling us about global warming, but I have to wonder if it is for real. I agree that we humans need to take better care of our resources and the world in which we live. But is the earth really warming, more then it should? There is a cycle of heat vs. cold. Back in the 80's we were cold, then we were hot, and it seems that we are going back towards cold now. Not that I understand everything about the science of weather.

And I'm writing all of this to say...?

Well to complain a little about it being hot (which obviously got me off somewhere else). I guess in reality I am writing all this because I scared. At the end of the week I will lose one roommate and in a couple of more weeks the other one. Then I will have a whole summer of living with someone I have yet to meet. And that is of course if everything goes well. Is this all becoming to redundant? I do apologies. I guess it was the heat of summer that made me think of all of this...

(Stay tune for some more of my writing...)

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