So far everything is under control except for my credit card. In the two and half to three months in which I was jobless, my credit card was my only life line. This means that I am still trying to pay off the debt that I created in those few months. And of course that speaks nothing to the amount I created during college.
I reality to be doing well I should be making a lot more then $8.25 an hour. And I'm still hopeful that my work will buy out my contract from the Temp org and start paying me more money. But seeing as that discussion was held almost a month ago, who knows when that will happen. I made $11 at my old job (and I should say that I have started kind of looking for something else, I need more money).
And I hate all of this. I hate having to pay bills, and figure out budgets. I hate trying to find roommates. I hate having roommates, you have gotten to know really well and become good friends with, move out. And I really hate laundry, which I have to do this weekend...
Perhaps there will always be a part of me that wants to have my mom figure out all this stuff for me. But than again, my mother always made me keep track of my own money, even before I had a job. So the real problem might be that I simply hate worrying about money and other 'grownup' stuff.
Furthermore, I feel that I must share, that besides laundry (which is the bane of my existence), I am decent at figuring out and keeping to a budget and I am quickly learning how to organize and pay my bills. So perhaps it will all figure itself out in the end. And everyone has a chore that they hate, cough laundry cough. My mum has shared that she hates dishes, which is why my parents have a dishwasher and made us kids do the dishes all the time...
Today I am sad that I have lost a roommate and I'm interested to see who the new roommate/friend is that might be heading my way...
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