There are no seasons for the city
The concrete and the steel
Are always cold as winter
Somethings change, as if in season
The trees, blossoms, grow leaves
Which fall later in piles of color.
The Sky's circle Between
Steel grey and pale blue
Hot blue and dark blue
We get rain and snow and ice
But there are no seasons,
The city, oh the city
In winter it is the same as summer
The concrete and the steel
The trains snake through
The dark tunnels the same
The people, ants all
Hurry and scurry the same
In the country everything changes
When spring first melts the snow
The crocus followed by daffodils
Stand tall to forbid the frost
The earth which plows uncovered
Turns the perfect planting color
And all through out the summer
In that earth things grow and change
Till Autumn brings colors and harvest
And slowly everything dies
And with blistering cold
Winter pulls over the ground
A white deep shroud
But the concrete and steel
Of the city can not grow
Nor change through the summer
In fall there is no harvest
And in winter the shroud
Is pushed off by scurrying people
So there is no seasons in the city
Only concrete and steel.
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