Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lazy Sunday

I hate being sick. And of course being sick means that I feel like doing absolutely nothing. This weekend has been one big lazy nap time, during which I have done a lot of blowing of my nose and coughing up a storm.

The problem is that I think I spend too many of my weekends being very unproductive. Yes in part it is the fact that I'm tired after a week of work. But mostly I think it is the procrastinator rising up inside of me. Its like the design at shirt.woot (a site I spend too much time visiting everyday), I need some motivation.

So the goal for the next month is to do more then just be. To just survive. To paraphrase my roommates father, don't just survive, or endure, be more proactive then that, you must prevail.

Which according to means to succeed, win out. That's the goal, to be more proactive, more involved, more engaged... Of course the only problem is that right now, I can't even breath through my nose (I must prevail over my cold first, perhaps).

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