Friday, August 27, 2010

Fairmount Park

Yesterday my Grandparents came to visit. It was a nice visit, we walked around Fairemount park, near the Art museum and had dinner at Jake's Firehouse. It always strikes me odd how my perception of my Grandparents has changed over the years. When I was younger they were cool people who gave great gifts and took us to neat events. I also learned a lot from both of them. I remember the first time my Grandfather had me wash his car. I was terrified that he would find a 'holiday' (missed spot) on his truck, so I washed it twice. And of course cooking with grandma was always a treat.

Now I am a 'adult', yet I still kind wish I could be treated like a little girl. And yet I am very glad about being old enough to talk about 'grown up' things with my grandparents too.

There is something so important about listening to your elders. They remember a world prior to TV and PC. They remember what hard work is and community. They can tell you how things have changed and what problems have been caused by 'modern' life. I wish more people had grandparents like mine, who know history and importantly their own history well enough to learn from it. I wish we could better learn from the mistakes of the past. Is that too much to ask?

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