Tuesday, August 3, 2010


In the darkness coldness, utter aloneness of night
trees shutter and owls hoot as warns to the dark
the grey of the clouds which block out the moon
which hide the fitful stars and move with higher winds
In the night, the oddness of wakefulness
comes across while others sleep, dream
awake I listen to the house creak
the frogs murmur and chirp, the owl hoot.
wake, my eyes staring into darkness
seeing shades of black, vague shapes.
awake in a world of black and greys.
Where the white walls loose their brightness
void of color or movement, steel colors, smoke
Grey world of night, alone I hear everything
the neighbors dog moving in the back yard.
The cars crossing the trolley tracks.
The blazing sirens of the police
I imagine them all grey,
night like a vale over all over each.
Awake I think the world as if it was a dream
And dreaming see the world bright
Grey as the morning which will come
Grey as the shadow the moon cast over my bed
Grey night.

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